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Project type

Industrial Design


Design and build a purposeful light.

Nightflare is a safety vest that challenges the traditional design language of high visibility safety apparel. Incorporating an LED unit helps raise awareness of first responders on highway and roadway incidents at night.


Phase I : Research

User Research

To learn more about first responders, I headed to my nearest Fire station to talk with my users face to face. I learned a lot about the several variations between engines and the equipment they carry. The different duties of various firefighters, the equipment they use lessons on how design was being used throughout the station, and tools equipped for fighting fires.


Phase I : Research


While talking to Andrew the driver of Engine 15, we started discussing the dangers of night time scenarios on freeways and roads. Firefighters wear Personal protection equipment (PPE) which have high reflective tape on it, as well as occasionally wearing a safety vest. I found it interesting taking the use case of Safety vests and seeing if there was a unique way to improve safety vests for first responders in night time scenarios by integrating LED technology.

Phase I : Research

Inspiration Board

I wanted the design to have an aesthetic appeal to it since one of the pain points was the ugliness of the design and cheapness to the safety vests our there on the market.


Phase I : Research

Mood Board

The mood I wanted to go for was energizing, modern styling, with angles and a sense of sportiness to the action of this product.

Phase II : Ideation


I wanted to try and play with incorporating a second color than just a two tone green and grey. Adding black adds negative space and creates an interesting visual tool to break the vest up. 


Phase II : Ideation

CMF Exploration

I tested different applications for connecting the safety vest instead of just zipping, since firefighters may be using gloves at times while putting on their safety vest. I also tried various types of LED applications from tube, to tape, finally landing on generic LED RGBW strips for the prototype. 

Phase III : Prototyping

First Draft

This was my first time sewing a soft good product together. I started creating a rough prototype vest for several reasons. One to practice using the sewing machine, learning different ways to attach fabric, and how to control the machine more precisely. But also to play around and have a functional prototype to test different variations with while the final looks like and works like model will be quite different. 


Phase III : Prototyping

LEDS + Reflective Exploration

Once the vest was complete I moved on to testing patterns with the reflective tape and various placement and methods for the LED strips on the safety vest.

Phase IV : User Testing

User Feedback

After I completed the rough prototype, I brought it back to the fire station to get initial user feedback and learn more about what they think about the product now that its in there hands and they can wear it themselves.


Phase V : Revisions

LED Panel

Taking their feedback into consideration I redesigned the LEDS to be in their own compartment separate from the vest entirely. This conceptually would allow the LED module to come off the vest and be easily chargeable in some wall mountable fashion. While the safety vest can still be used on its own or be washed separately. 

Phase V : Revisions


After completing the LED module, there were some slight wires that were disconnected, so doing my best as a doctor to do surgery on soldering the wires back together.


Phase V : Revisions

Final Safety vest

The final design of the vest came from several iterations of the initial rough vest. 

Phase VI : Final Deliverables

Front Improvements

Phase VI : Final Deliverables

Back Improvements
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